Ist Antifeminismus die vierte Welle des Feminismus?
Feminism is often described as occurring in three separate waves. The first-wave refers to the period between the late 1800s and early 1900s when women focused on obtaining legal equality with men, which was highlighted in the women’s suffrage movement. Second-wave feminism was the period between the 1960s and 1980s, which focused on a wide-range of issues. Some of the second-wave’s accomplishments include female reproductive rights, drawing attention to domestic violence and marital rape, and the passing of the Equal Rights Amendment. The Equal Rights Amendment guaranteed equal rights for both sexes. Third-wave feminism began in the 1990s and sought to include more than just the white middle class women of the first two waves. This wave hoped to involve minority women in their movement to change the stereotypes and perceptions of women. If third-wave feminism was supposed to broaden their audience, why is it that only 9% of young women identify as feminist?
(...) Around 25% of women believe that feminism has become "too aggressive" towards men. Ms. Young states that modern western feminism has become a "divisive and sometimes hateful force…[that] dwells obsessively on men’s misbehavior and women’s personal wrongs". This attitude is highlighted in the #YesAllWomen movement which stereotyped all men as potentially harmful because of the actions of a few. Young continues by saying that feminism "dramatically exaggerates female woes while ignoring men’s problems," which can be seen in the rape culture movement, which completely ignores male victims of sexual assault and female perpetrators. So why is it that only 9% of young women identify as feminists? 1 in 6 women believe that feminism has gone too far, is this trend toward "anti-feminism" ideals going to be the newest wave of feminism?
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