Montreal: Feministinnen ziehen männerfreie Demo durch
A few hundred women who had gathered at Norman-Bethune Place, next to the Sir-George-Williams campus of Concordia University in downtown Montreal, went north on Guy St. The protesters where followed on each side by a strong police presence.
The police blocked their advance at the corner of Sherbrooke St. and McKay. Stopped in their tracks the protesters started chanting "It’s not men who are going to tell us what to do".
The protest organizers had warned on Facebook that male protesters and male journalists "would not be tolerated" at the demonstration. The protesters tried to impose their itinerary to the police.
Hier geht es weiter. Wird immer schwerer, mit den bösartigen Gerüchten aufzuräumen, Feminismus würde sich in irgendeiner Weise gegen Männer richten.
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