Männerrechtler feiern Kundgebung in Toronto als großen Erfolg
At 11am today (28 Sept 2013) in Toronto’s Queen’s Park, for the first time, men’s human rights activists (MHRAs) gathered together as men’s human rights activists from A Voice for Men and other organizations to show their support for men and boys and to raise awareness of the crisis so many of them are facing today. The rally followed a presentation given by Dr. Miles Groth at the University of Toronto the night before, where counter-protesters from the U of T Student Union were expected but failed to materialize.
The number of MHRAs at the rally numbered just around one hundred and fifty people, mostly men in their mid 30s. There was a counter-protest numbering around twenty-five people – again, mostly male, calling themselves "Bash Back" who heckled the MHRAs with charges of homophobia and misogyny. There were about 20 Toronto Police officers who, early on, separated the two groups in order to prevent an altercation and allow the MHRAs to conduct their rally.
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