Kanada: Werden Schwule Männerrechtler endlich akzeptieren?
The controversial men’s rights group Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE) plans on marching in the 2015 Toronto Pride parade, barring any major complaints.
Pride Toronto executive director Mathieu Chantelois confirmed to Daily Xtra that the group is included on the list of over 250 groups marching this year. "So far they are on the list," Chantelois says.
All groups that applied to march in the parade were approved this year. "Everybody is approved until we get a complaint against them," Chantelois says. Any member of the public who objects to the participation of any of the groups can make a confidential complaint through Pride Toronto’s dispute resolution process.
"I’m not too familiar with the work that [CAFE does], but obviously if there is some concern by anybody in the community we will take them extremely seriously."
In 2014, CAFE’s permit to march in the WorldPride parade was revoked by Pride Toronto. Pride staff sent a letter to the group explaining that their work may "contravene the spirit of the mission, vision, and values of Pride Toronto and WorldPride."
CAFE’s executive director Justin Trottier says that Pride is an important event for the organization. "Marching in Pride has always been a priority."
He insists that the group is a human rights organization. "We’re interested in the health and welfare of men and boys," Trottier says. "There is nothing in that that remotely contravenes Pride."
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