Kanada: Männerrechtler nehmen an Gay-Pride-Parade teil

Kanada: Männerrechtler nehmen an Gay-Pride-Parade teil

Nachdem sie von der Homo-Parade in Toronto ausgegrenzt wurden, beteiligten sich kanadische Männerrechtler jetzt an einer anderen Parade für Homosexuelle. Deren Veranstalter befindet:

"We do have two groups in our parade specifically for women. If we were to have a policy that says groups for any one gender are problematic, then those women’s groups would have to go. We don’t believe that would be fair."

Die Teilnahme von Männerrechtlern an dieser Parade führte überraschenderweise nicht zur Machtergreifung des Patriarchats:
The nine-person CAFE contingent, including a handful of women, marched, sandwiched between contingents from the federal and provincial Liberal parties as well as a local newspaper.

Few who lined Yonge St. between Crosby Ave. and Vern Dynes Way batted an eye when CAFE members doled out buttons and leaflets advertising their group, aimed at improving the status, health and well-being of boys and men.

Those who whistled and danced as the parade wound past them seemed oblivious to the controversy that had been swirling in Toronto around the group that professes to be a "men’s issues educational charity."

"It’s not that men’s issues are more important than other people’s issues, it’s that they are relevant," said Justin Trottier, CAFE’s executive director.

Die Journalistin Barbara Kay, selbst Mitglied bei CAFE kommentiert die Reinigung der Homo-Parade in Toronto von Männerrechtlern so:

What makes CAFÉ so toxic that Pride is treating us like lepers? In a nutshell, CAFÉ offends radical feminists. They are offended because CAFÉ supports true gender equity, which means that while we are sympathetic to women’s issues, we also care about the issues that negatively affect boys and men, both straight and gay.

(...) Some radical feminists think gender rights and justice are a zero-sum game. They think that if a group concerns itself with men’s issues – even those they are forced by reason and evidence to acknowledge as legitimate – that group is somehow diminishing the importance of women’s problems. Such a belief is absurd and no reasonable person needs persuading of its absurdity.

It is radical feminists holding that view who routinely – and proudly – disrupt CAFÉ speaking events with noisy protests and vandalism sufficient to prevent the talks going forward. And it is a handful of people with that view who successfully lobbied for the ban on CAFÉ in Pride Toronto on the grounds that they do not feel "safe" in CAFÉ’s presence.

(...) For 18 months, the Canadian Revenue Agency studied CAFÉ’s websites and events, as well as a peer-reviewed journal, The New Male Studies, to which several CAFÉ members contribute, before concluding it was a public-interest organization, and worthy of status as an educational charity.

The group’s co-founder and executive director, Justin Trottier, is impeccably "correct," progressively speaking. As executive director of the Centre for Inquiry, he urged the Ontario government to pass Bill 13 (Gay Straight Alliances) and organized protests against Uganda’s "kill the gays" bill. As a regular guest on a popular Toronto radio show, he has consistently opposed Christian evangelist Charles McVety on the subjects of gay marriage, Toby’s Act and adoption rights for gay couples. As a provincial candidate with the Green Party, Trottier championed pro-women, pro-gay and pro-environment causes.

(...) My friend Eleanor Levine, for example, a director of CAFÉ, is a psychiatric social worker at a women’s clinic and the University of Toronto. She provides weekly therapy to men in distress at CAFÉ’s Canadian Centre for Men and Families (CCMF), a safe space for peer support and fathering programs. The CCMF receives referrals from Women’s College Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital, Catholic Children’s Aid Society, Community Care Durham and other nonprofits. Recently the Street Haven Women’s Shelter requested the use of the CCMF to shoot a fundraising video for their women’s shelter.

CAFÉ champions “orphan” victims. Last month, CAFÉ presented a brief to the Ontario Committee on Sexual Violence and Harassment, urging the government to support victims who break stereotype, like women abused by other women, as well as problems afflicting gay fathers and men in cultural communities.

(...) It seems clear that the ban against CAFÉ is governed by left-wing political correctness, pure and simple. (Gay-friendly) Israel hatred: yes; all union voices: yes; support for gay men: yes; support for straight men: a resounding NO.

Ich bin gespannt, wie lange sich schwule Männer noch von Feministinnen gegen heterosexuelle Männer aufhetzen lassen, die alles tun, um Homosexuelle beiderlei Geschlechts zu unterstützen.

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