Falschbeschuldigung, weil Frau von Polizei nach Hause gebracht werden wollte

Falschbeschuldigung, weil Frau von Polizei nach Hause gebracht werden wollte

Ich kann hier unmöglich alle internationalen Fälle von Falschbeschuldigung bloggen, die es in die Medien schafften, aber besonders bizarre Fälle sind mir eine Erwähnung wert. So wie dieser zum Beispiel:

According to the police summary of facts, on April 17 Bidlake, who is unemployed, attended a male strip show in Greytown. She did not want to pay for a taxi back to Masterton so rang 111 and said she had been raped by a male she had met at the show.

She was taken by police to Masterton police station and later dropped home. On April 19 she made a formal complaint, again saying she had been raped while in Greytown. Three days later Bidlake told police she had made up the allegation, saying she knew police would give her a ride home if she said she had been raped.

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