Indien: Gruppenvergewaltigung von "Opfer" erfunden

Indien: Gruppenvergewaltigung von "Opfer" erfunden

In a shocking incident, a girl withdrew her complaint against four accused that they had allegedly gang-raped her on gunpoint. The girl on Friday accepted that she had filed a false case against the accused.

The girl said, "I am taking my case back as I was not gang-raped. I tried to implicate them in false case because one of the accused duped me on the pretext of marrying me."

The girl said that she developed a strong feeling for the boy and wanted to marry him. But when he refused to marry the girl she decided to take revenge by falsely implicating him in rape case.

It is to be noted that the girl in her complaint had alleged that one of the accused took her to his place where he along with three of his friends gang-raped the girl on gunpoint.

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