International Business Times: "Wir müssen über Hillary und häusliche Gewalt sprechen"

International Business Times: "Wir müssen über Hillary und häusliche Gewalt sprechen"

It's official, Hillary Clinton is running for the Democratic presidential nomination and ultimately gunning for the White House. The Oval Office remains a distant goal, of course, but should she succeed she would become not only the first woman to hold the reins as the most powerful politician on Earth, but also the first grandmother, the only former First Lady and, if her biographies are to be believed, the first person with a known history of spouse-beating.

(...) The latest allegations come from Kate Andersen Brower, author of The Residence: Inside the White House. She describes how, at the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, a maid entered the Clinton' bedroom to clean one morning to find the bed covered in blood. That day the President required stitches for a wound which he attributed to running into a door. Staff assumed Hillary had hit him with some kind of object – possibly a heavy book.

In isolation, this allegations could perhaps be dismissed as tittle-tattle. Unfortunately the anecdote is anything but isolated.

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