Diskriminierung weiblicher Mitarbeiter: "Hillary Clintons Krieg gegen die Frauen"

Diskriminierung weiblicher Mitarbeiter: "Hillary Clintons Krieg gegen die Frauen"

Hillary Clinton portrays herself as a champion of women in the workforce, but women working for her in the U.S. Senate were paid 72 cents for each dollar paid to men, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis of her Senate years’ salary data.

(...) Clinton herself has raised the issue, saying last year that there is still "more work to do," and that 20 years ago women made just "72 cents on the dollar to men" – a figure identical to the gender pay gap in her own Senate office.

(...) Mark Perry, an economic scholar at the American Enterprise Institute who has written extensively on the White House hypocrisy related to gender pay equality, said that the data on Clinton shows that she is guilty of the same hypocrisy.

"Politicians like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama can’t have it both ways," Perry said. "They use raw, aggregate, unadjusted gender differences in pay and then claim that those pay gaps are the result of gender discrimination, like the 23 percent national gender pay gap in aggregate median income."

"They would then have to admit that they themselves are guilty of gender discrimination and have their own glass ceilings to explain, because they have gender pay gaps that are much greater than the average gender pay gap in Washington, D.C."

Perry said Clinton needs to either put an end to her rhetoric on the issue or admit that she too is guilty of gender discrimination.

"Either Clinton is guilty of gender discrimination and pays her female staffers significantly less than men, or she is guilty of statistical fraud for spreading misinformation about the alleged gender pay gap at the national level," he said.

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