USA: Hochrangige indische Frauenrechtlerin soll Haushälterin nur Hungerlohn gezahlt haben

USA: Hochrangige indische Frauenrechtlerin soll Haushälterin nur Hungerlohn gezahlt haben

A high-ranking Indian diplomat who speaks about gender issues and promotes women’s rights was busted for paying her female housekeeper just $3.31 an hour.

Deputy Consul General Devyani Khobragade, 39, who rakes in more than $100,000 a year and lives in a luxury apartment paid for by the Indian government located on New York’s East Side, pleaded not guilty to making false statements and visa fraud in Manhattan Federal Court.

Prosecutors said she submitted a bogus visa application for her housekeeper in which she said she’d be paid almost $10 an hour.

The ambitious foreign service executive, who "provided a unique perspective on gender and social equality in India" and "spoke passionately about women's rights" in an April 30 speech, declined comment after her release on $250,000 bond.

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