Hillary Clinton: "Frauen, hört auf zu jammern!"

Hillary Clinton: "Frauen, hört auf zu jammern!"

Hillary Clinton, Außenministerin der USA und die vermutlich bekannteste Feministin der westlichen Welt, erklärte jüngst in einem Interview anlässlich ihres Rückzugs aus der Politik, dass sie das Gejammer ihrer "Schwestern" nicht mehr hören kann:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says in a new interview that she can’t stand "whining" by women who are unhappy with the work and family choices they’ve made in life and complain that they have no options.

(...) "I can’t stand whining," Clinton told Marie Claire. "I can’t stand the kind of paralysis that some people fall into because they’re not happy with the choices they’ve made. You live in a time when there are endless choices. … Money certainly helps, and having that kind of financial privilege goes a long way, but you don’t even have to have money for it. But you have to work on yourself. … Do something!"

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