Indische Maskulisten drohen Parteien vor der Wahl: Keine Männerrechte, keine Stimmen

Indische Maskulisten drohen Parteien vor der Wahl: Keine Männerrechte, keine Stimmen

An organisation working for men's rights and issues has prepared a "men-i-festo" and said that if political parties do not accede to their demands, they will exercise the None of the Above (NOTA) option on the ballot papers.

Their credo - No Men's Right, No Votes.

These men have decided that if political parties do not commit on their demands, they will exercise the NOTA option.

The 10-point charter of demands has among others sought a ministry for men, a Men's Commission, and enacting of laws against harassment of men across the social spectrum.

Formed a decade back as Save Family Foundation, the umbrella group now known as 'National Coalition of Men', with 50 non-government organisations, is working across 25 states and 50 cities.

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