Indien: Männerrechtler protestieren gegen Gehalt für Ehefrauen

Indien: Männerrechtler protestieren gegen Gehalt für Ehefrauen

The central government's proposal to introduce a law, which, if passed, would mandate every man to part with a portion of his salary income as salary to his wife, has been strongly opposed by men's rights groups.

Save Family Foundation, a non-government organisation, has written a letter to Union Women and Child Development Minister Krishna Tirath seeking immediate withdrawal of the proposal.

The foundation, representing around 40 different men's organisations across the country, has termed this proposal one-sided.

The organisation has also sought Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's intervention in this matter.

Opposing the proposal, Swarup Sarkar, founder member of Save Family Foundation, noted, "The government must focus on bringing laws that are gender neutral. Any law that can lead to breakdown of the society must not be passed. The Women and Child Development ministry is proposing a law of providing salary to housewives keeping in mind only the interests of women. However, no one in the government is ready to accept the fact that a husband gives away his entire salary to his wife."

Ein landesweites Bündnis von 40 Organisationen, die sich auch wirklich für Männer einsetzen und die Regierungspolitik kritisieren? Irgendwie ist selbst Indien Deutschland einige Schritte voraus.

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