Huffington Post: Wie männliche Opfer von Vergewaltigungen unsichtbar bleiben

Huffington Post: Wie männliche Opfer von Vergewaltigungen unsichtbar bleiben

I have a friend, an autistic man, who was ordered to have sex with a woman and was informed by her that he had no choice and so, even though he didn't want to he, went along because he was doing as he was told.

That was how he lost his virginity: by being told he had to, that he had no choice--and he was laughed at by friends afterward when he said he didn't really like it or want it.

But he had an erection. So that means he was asking for it, right?

Rape is a horrible experience and awful crime. We hear regularly that there is a problem with women, and men, being raped by men. A little less often, we'll hear that women can rape women or even rape men although usually everyone is quick to say "but it's very rare."

Hier geht es weiter mit dem Artikel von Dean Esmay, Männerrechtler und Mitherausgeber der männerpolitischen Website "A Voice for Men".

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