Jamaika: Immer mehr Männer beklagen Vergewaltigungen durch Frauen

Jamaika: Immer mehr Männer beklagen Vergewaltigungen durch Frauen

Although a number of Jamaican men still smirk at the idea of a woman raping a man, the increasing number of calls to the Marge Roper Counselling Service and the National Family Planning Board hotline are showing that more and more males are reporting rape and are pointing towards older women as the perpetrators.

"A number of men are now reporting rape," National Family Planning Board Chair Dr Sandra Knight said. "Men who are in the 16 to 20 age groups are reporting rape, men in the 30 to 35 age group are reporting now that older women are raping them.

This is nothing new. Older women have always been having sex with our boys. But I think now, with the sensitisation that is out there, boys are now realising that if I did not consent to it, it is rape," she said.

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