I am an old-school "feminist". So old-school, I hardly attach myself to the "cause" any more, because it shames me so deeply. I grew up in a time when a victim’s sexual history was fair-game in a court room, marital rape didn’t exist, prostitutes couldn’t be raped and the idea of "asking for it," by dress, mannerisms or tone of voice, was very real and very repugnant.
I was on the front-line of seeing such things repealed, and one way of doing so was allowing women to have their own voice in THEIR sexual activity. You will never hear "slut," "ho," or "skank" pass MY lips.
There is currently a case in Florida, involving a lesbian relationship between a 19 year old and a 14 year old student. It astounds me the hypocrisy being shown. We all know if this had taken place in a heterosexual context, the young man would be lynched by now, but being between two females it’s somehow… excusable?
And now we arrive at my personal "favorite" – Let’s call it "YouTube Rape" – as in, I didn’t even know I WAS raped, until my friends, family, school saw it posted, and decided I’d either been raped or I was a slut.
As a woman, I loathe/hate/despise the idea of the "I was too impaired to properly consent" rape. To me, it infantilizes women, giving the impression that we must be protected from ourselves. Usually by an equally impaired and "not showing the greatest judgment himself" male.
Haha – silly me! Don’t even know (and will never learn) my own limits of intoxication. I can do anything I want, but just don’t hold ME responsible. I’m just a dumb girl!
(...) We don’t have a "rape culture." We ARE creating a "victim culture." And in the meantime, real victims of real rape do NOT find the I-got-too-drunk-at-Homecoming to be a shared experience with I-had-a-knife-to-my-throat-and-my-children’s-lives-threatened. It demeans and diminishes the very scary, very humiliating, "power rape."
To teach young women that men are just somehow madmen-rapists-in-waiting is appalling. We ARE equal – equally able to make dumb mistakes and (hopefully) learn from them. Such is the human condition.