"Kein Vergewaltigungsopfer, männlich oder weiblich, verdient es, die Schuld daran zugeschoben zu bekommen"
Während Vergewaltigungen von Frauen eine große Aufmerksamkeit in den Medien erhalten und von Feministinnen als Beleg dafür verwendet werden, dass wir in einer "rape culture" leben und in einer Gesellschaft, "die Frauen hasst", werden Vergewaltigungen von Männern von den wenigsten ernst genommen. Die Professorin für Frauenstudien Abigail Rine erläutert das anhand eines aktuellen Falls und führt weiter aus:
Thanks to the spotlight of feminist activism, a vast amount of literature on female rape has accumulated over the past four decades, whereas the study of male rape has been comparatively neglected. (Some social scientists estimate that research and resources for male victims lags behind by a good 20 years.) These analyses, as well as activist endeavors like SlutWalks, have focused on highlighting and debunking myths about female rape that contribute to victim-blaming. (...) Distinct but corresponding myths about men likewise fuel victim-blaming, as burgeoning research on male rape demonstrates. A 2009 study in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence surveys a number of these false beliefs, including the perception that males, as the physically powerful sexual instigators, can't be raped, or are not as traumatized if they are assaulted.
(...) The majority of studies indicate that men are more prone to blaming victims of sexual assault than women, which superficially appears to support the "woman-hating" explanation--except for the fact that they ultimately blame male victims more. In fact, the groups most susceptible to blame for being raped are gay men raped by men and straight men raped by women.
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