Frankreich: Lesbisches Paar muss Väterrechte anerkennen
A court in France’s western city of Nantes has granted the biological father of a lesbian couple’s child visiting rights, raising uneasy questions about how to share parental rights between gay partners and biological parents.
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Bewiesen: Vatergefühle Biologisch So Fest Verankert Wie Gefühle Von Müttern
The Psychological Today story: The Making of a Modern Dad, by Douglas Carlton Abrams illustrates in vivid, scientific detail how fathers are no different in their biological programming than mothers when raising children. That divorced dads who "feel"...
Samenspender Für Lesbisches Paar Kämpft Weiter Gegen Unterhaltsforderungen
Auch die "Daily Mail" berichtet über diesen Fall: A London man who donated sperm to a lesbian couple is being made to pay child support, it was revealed today. Andy Bathie, 37, a firefighter from Enfield, agreed to help Sharon and Terri Arnold after...
Indiens Oberster Gerichthof Urteilt Zugunsten Von Vätern, Die Um Sorgerecht Kämpfen
Two fathers fighting for child custody rights got the thumbs up from the Supreme Court last week. On Friday, a mother had to withdraw a petition trying to thwart a father’s legal quest for more time with his daughter. The apex court had weighed in on...
Usa: Negativer Dns-test Schützt Nicht Vor Unterhaltspflicht
When an Oklahoma man’s ex-wife told him she was pregnant, he asked if he was the father. "She said, ‘Yeah, 100 percent sure you’re the dad,’ so I didn’t question it past that,” the man said. But that man, who asked to remain anonymous because...
Rechtsstreit Mit Lesbischem Paar: Schwuler Vater Muss Deren Anwaltskosten Tragen
The millionaire gay father of a child brought up by a lesbian couple he donated sperm to must pay £20,000 to cover their costs in an extraordinary triangular legal battle between the boy's three parents. The man - named in High Court papers as JF...
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