Experten geben Sextouristinnen Schuld an HIV-Verbreitung in Großbritannien
So why a sudden increase in HIV prevalence amongst white British heterosexuals? The vast majority of heterosexual women diagnosed with HIV in the UK are infected abroad and David Sykes of HIVNow UK believes it is largely due to female sex tourism. "The numbers of western women travelling to lesser developed countries to have sex with the local men has risen dramatically in the past few years."
"Unfortunately the most popular sex tourist destinations appear to be areas with severe HIV AIDS issues" he continues "These women have unprotected sex with men in Africa then come home and give it to their husbands."
Guardian writer Julie Bindel speculated in an article that HIV infection figures suggest that condom use by the "beach boys" in the Caribbean region may be sporadic, yet female sex tourists do not appear at all preoccupied by the potential risks. Many women thinking that HIV is something that only happens to gay men and that given the unusual atmosphere and excitement of sex with an exotic man, condoms are rarely used or discussed before intercourse – and if anything are discouraged by western women.
Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel. Ob das wohl ein auf Großbritannien beschränktes Problem ist?
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