England: Immer mehr wohlhabende Frauen schützen sich mit Eheverträgen
Contracts stipulating how much money each party would receive if a marriage collapsed have traditionally been demanded by successful businessmen wary of "gold-digging" wives.
But growing numbers of women – many of whom received large payouts from previous divorce settlements – are now turning to the law to ensure that their future husbands are not entitled to half their riches.
Vanessa Lloyd-Platt of matrimonial law experts Lloyd Platt and Co said that it had received more "pre-nup" requests from women than men in the last two months – representing a vast increase in female inquiries.
"There has been a surge of interest. With the recession hitting there is an awareness among women that men are going to take their money unless they protect it," she said.
Der britische "Telegraph" berichtet.
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