Die Frau, die sich für Indiens Männer einsetzt

Die Frau, die sich für Indiens Männer einsetzt

Ein weiterer Beitrag aus der Reihe "Aspekte des Geschlechterverhältnisses in Indien, die unsere Leitmedien nicht erwähnen":

Her only weapon is a cell phone and her army is a small team of volunteers from Lucknow's Jankipuram locality. If required, she takes to the streets, organises demonstrations and meets officials-all this to save harassed husbands. Lovingly called ‘Didi', Indu Subhash fights for men who are victims of marital discord.

“Many laws are gender-biased,” she says. “Many men commit suicide because of these laws. The laws should be protecting families, not breaking them.”

Born in Bahraich district of Uttar Pradesh, Subhash, 50, took her PhD in women's studies from Kanpur University and moved to Lucknow in 1991. Her fight against “gender-biased laws” started in 2007 when her brother became a victim of an anti-dowry law.

Hier geht es weiter. Genderama hatte bereits in einem früheren Beitrag über Indu Subhash berichtet.

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