Britische Akademikerin warnt: Gleichstellungsgesetze machen Männer zu Opfern von Diskriminierung

Britische Akademikerin warnt: Gleichstellungsgesetze machen Männer zu Opfern von Diskriminierung

Dr Catherine Hakim argues that existing legislation has already eradicated sexism against women, and that the remaining gender pay gap is down to the different career choices made by men and women.

She accuses feminists of peddling "myths" about the extra hours put in by women and their thwarted career ambitions to justify "futile and perverse" attempts to help them balance work and family life.

And Dr Hakim, a senior research fellow at the London School of Economics, warns that any further strengthening of equality laws on employment – for instance by forcing both mothers and fathers to share parental leave – risks damaging the career prospects of men.

Her comments come as the Government prepares to push through a new Single Equality Bill that will make it legal for employers to carry out "positive discrimination" in favour of women over equally qualified men.

Der Telegraph berichtet.

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