Vorsitzender von Marks & Spencer: "Frauen hatten es noch nie so gut"

Vorsitzender von Marks & Spencer: "Frauen hatten es noch nie so gut"

So klare Worte wie von dem Vorsitzenden der Supermarkt- und Kaufhauskette "Marks & Spencer" wünscht man sich von einem prominenten deutschen Unternehmer:

Women have "never had it so good" in the workplace, Marks and Spencer chairman Sir Stuart Rose has said.

He said so-called "glass ceilings" barring promotion in the workplace no longer exist.

"Women can get to the top of any single job that they want to in the UK," he told the Observer newspaper.

Sir Stuart also rejected the suggestion that having children can damage the careers of working mothers, saying he knows many who are successful.

He said: "Apart from the fact that you've got more equality than you ever can deal with, the fact of the matter is that you've got real democracy and there are really no glass ceilings, despite the fact that some of you moan about it all the time.

"Women can get to the top of any single job that they want to in the UK. You've got a woman fighter pilot who went in to join the Red Arrows yesterday."

He told the newspaper: "I mean, what else do you want to do, for God's sake? Women astronauts. Women miners. Women dentists. Women doctors. Women managing directors. What is it you haven't got?"

Die BBC berichtet.

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