Forbes: "Nicht einmal die Frauen glauben, dass sie im Job schlechter behandelt würden"

Forbes: "Nicht einmal die Frauen glauben, dass sie im Job schlechter behandelt würden"

Das Wirtschaftsmagazin Forbes setzt sich mit einem der hartnäckigsten feministischen Mythen auseinander – der vermeintlichen Diskriminierung von Frauen am Arbeitsplatz:

We hear it on all the morning chat shows, read it in all of the slick magazines and newspapers: There is something awful about the way women are being treated on the job. Women are being paid less for the same work, denied promotions and otherwise discriminated against, and therefore we need more laws to redress these injustices. Or, according to the book that has topped the bestseller lists this summer, "Lean In" by Sheryl Sandberg, women should assert themselves more, speak up, rededicate themselves to their work in order to close the gap with men.

The assumptions behind these ideas are wrong. Says who? Say American women. It’s a myth that women are suffering on the job.

A Gallup survey says that, with one exception, no matter how you slice up job satisfaction, American women are equal to or ahead of men. Fully fifty percent of women (as against 45 percent of men) say they receive suitable recognition for their accomplishments. Only 29 percent of women are happy with the amount of stress they suffer at work, but that number is even smaller for men (27 percent). What about the infamous problem of flex time? Two-thirds of women, 66 percent (as against 63 percent of men) say they have adequate work flexibility.

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