In a just-published book, Defending Battered Women on Trial, University of Ottawa law professor Elizabeth Sheehy argues that chronically battered women should have a "statutory escape hatch" if they kill their male abusers pre-emptively rather than "live in anticipatory dread and hypervigilance." That is, battered women should be allowed to get away with statutory murder — killing their abuser not in spontaneous self-defence during a crisis, say, but premeditatedly killing the man in his sleep, an action that would incur a murder charge for anyone else.
(...) Sheehy claims the women have no recourse, as full shelters often turn them away and police don’t take their complaints seriously. Many observers query such assertions, but if true, the answer is to improve services, not declare open season on men.
And that is effectively what such a statute would entail. With the partner dead, there is nobody to dispute the woman’s narrative of events or assessment of actual threat to life. To anyone who understands human nature, it’s a slippery slope, opening the door to killings of non- or mildly abusive male partners, prompted by hatred, revenge, financial opportunism, jealousy or any other strong emotion.
The only people who don’t see it as a slippery slope are ideologues. It takes an ideologue to believe: that women who stay with abusive men are perfectly normal people who happen to be victims of a sadist rather than psychologically challenged human beings; that women would never lie in court about how serious the abuse they suffered was before they killed; and that women are the only victims of serious partner abuse.
(...) Sheehy’s concern is for women victims only. If she were to admit that extreme intimate partner brutality is often a folie à deux between psychologically damaged human beings rather than misogyny writ large, she would have to rewrite her book as Defending Battered Humans on Trial. And that is something I suspect this feminist will never do.