Großbritannien beginnt, männliche Opfer wahrzunehmen

Großbritannien beginnt, männliche Opfer wahrzunehmen

Der Männerrechtler Glen Poole berichtet im britischen Telegraph:

2014 looks like being a good year for male victims. It’s not yet the end of March and already a million pounds of new funding has been found to help men who find themselves at the sharp end of intimate violence.

First the Government announced £500,000 to help "break the silence" for male victims of rape, and now the Big Lottery Fund has more than doubled that with awards to several projects helping male victims of domestic violence north of the border, including the charity Abused Men in Scotland. What this means is that men who have been battered by their wives and partners; raped by other men and sexually abused by men or women are more likely to get the support they need. It’s a welcome sign that we are gradually coming to terms with the idea of male victims.

(...) Men are trapped between a traditional, conservative expectation that it is the duty of good men to protect women and children from bad men and a progressive liberal belief that all men are somehow oppressors of women. Over the years these contrasting perspectives have combined to create a pantomime view of intimate violence in which men are either the perpetrators or protectors of women, while women are always the damsels in distress. Put simply it is women who have problems and men who are problems.

(...) Advocates for the LGBT community have rightly observed that this "public story" about intimate violence makes it harder for those who aren’t heterosexual to get help. If men aren’t recognised as victims and women aren’t recognised as perpetrators, then there is no role in the pantomime for gay and lesbian victims. The same is true for male victims, who have been hidden for decades behind a veil of fairytales and feminist tales that conspire to convince us that "all men are potential rapists" while women are made of "sugar and spice and all things nice".

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