USA: In Zufluchtstätten für Gewaltopfer kein Platz für Männer – aber für Hunde

USA: In Zufluchtstätten für Gewaltopfer kein Platz für Männer – aber für Hunde

Auf Wendy McElroys Website der liberalen Feministinnen berichtet ein aktueller Artikel über eine bizarre Schieflage:

All around the country abuse shelters have been established to help persons battered by partner violence. But with a handful of exceptions, these shelters maintain a strict "Men Not Welcome" policy. Some openly advertise their gender-exclusion policy. (…) Other shelters are more discriminating in their manner of discrimination. They wait until a man in dire straits actually arrives on the premises. A former employee of the Another Way shelter in Lake City, Fla., shared this account: "Around November or December 2007, a man came into the office. He was crying, and his arms were bruised, seeking assistance," the woman revealed. The intake worker "took him into her office. Then to my amazement I heard her tell him that Another Way doesn't provide services or assistance for men. My heart went out to this man because it was evident that he was truly a victim of domestic violence."

The appalled woman wrote, "This is discrimination and violating men's rights. There are men with children that are being victimized. It takes courage for men to come forward and admit they are victims. Then when they do, we revictimize them all over again." (…)

Battered men don't make the cut. As the head of Rainbow Services in southern California once explained, "We have limited resources and it's all we can do to try and keep up with the demand for services for women and children."

That's a hoot! Here's the dirty little secret of the multi-million dollar shelter industry: the great majority of women in so-called "abuse" shelters have never been battered or suffered physical harm at the hands of their abuser. A woman who volunteered at the YWCA Crisis Center in Enid, Okla. for three years revealed, "In all of that time, there was one woman admitted who I was sure had been severely physically abused. The rest of the women and kids who came and went were playing the system to the hilt!"

That's right, most shelter residents have perfected the art of bamboozling the system, knowing that being certified as a battered woman entitles you to oodles of government hand-outs! But wait, there's more to the story! Some of these same shelters that turn away battered men are now telling their "abused" women, "And remember to bring Fido!"

That's right, the American Humane Society has recently launched its "PAWS" program - Pets and Women's Shelters, get it?

Hier findet man den vollständigen Beitrag.

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