Ärztinnen in Irland: Medizinische Krise verschlimmert sich
Viele der weiblichen "GPs" ("Allgemeinärzte") wollen nämlich nur teilzeit arbeiten:
The medical manpower crisis is even worse than previously estimated, with patients almost certain to experience difficulty accessing GP services, new research has shown. Researchers from the department of primary care and public health at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) have found that women GPs are only half as likely to work full-time at partnership level as male doctors. This means that the imminent manpower crisis, the result of a surge in the number of family doctors reaching retirement age in the next five years, will be twice as bad as previously estimated.
Prof Fergus O'Kelly, clinical professor of general practice, and his TCD colleagues, surveyed all doctors who had graduated from GP training schemes in the Republic between 1997 and 2003. They found that, although 70 per cent of GP graduates are female, almost twice as many males as females work at a senior partnership level in Irish general practice. And despite the overall gender balance in favour of female doctors, just 29 per cent of women GPs are working full-time. Female doctors also worked fewer unsociable hours, with 51 per cent of female graduates involved in co- operatives and out-of-hours work, compared with 84 per cent of male doctors who worked nights and weekends.
Und bestimmt werden auch diese Ärztinnen für "die gleiche Arbeit" deutlich schlechter bezahlt als ihre männlichen Kollegen …
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