Britische Umfrage: Immer weniger Männer wollen Sex
Die britische Sun ist zwar ein Boulevardblatt ähnlich der BILD, berichtet aktuell aber über eine durchaus interessante Studie:
For decades women have used the excuse “Not tonight darling, I’ve got a headache” to fend off amorous partners. But a new survey has revealed more and more MEN are finding excuses to shun sex.
The poll by independent charity the Men’s Health Forum found that 15 per cent of men aged between 18 and 59 admitted to a “lack of interest in sex”. And relationship counselling service Relate has reported a 40 PER CENT increase in the number of men saying they had gone off sex compared with ten years ago. These men have no physical problems — they just do not want to have sex.
The findings tally with anecdotal reports from experts in the field who believe it is a growing trend. According to research, the drop in male desire is a direct result of women’s changing role in society. (…)
Renowned Chicago-based relationships therapist Michele Weiner-Davis caused a furore in the US by claiming that at least 25 per cent of all men suffer from low desire.
It was, she says, “America’s best-kept secret.” Michael Gilbert, author of The Disposable Male, says: “Western men feel marginalised.
“In a third of American homes where both partners work, women earn more than men. This tears at the fabric of male sexuality.”
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