Telegraph: "Weiße Männer gelten jetzt als Minderheit an britischen Unis"
Women now dominate Britain’s universities and professions to such an extent that a leading institution has launched a campaign to recruit more "white males".
In dem Artikel heißt es weiter:
Women outnumber men in the vast majority, including King’s College, London, where 67 per cent of students are female, and Cardiff University, where the figure is 60 per cent.
Mrs Curnock Cook said: “If you look at educational achievement through primary and secondary school and then university outcomes there is a very worrying gap between males and females.
“Somebody needs to address what it is about our education system that is allowing females to perform overall so much better than males. If this trend continues it will start to underpin quite a fundamental sociological change.”
While women are forging successful careers on the back of superior performances in school and university exams, some fear boys are being left on the scrap heap by an education system which disadvantages them.
Coursework and modular exams, less emphasis on the physical, outdoor curriculum and the lack of male teachers have all been blamed for boys’ underachievement. White working class boys now do worse at school than any other group.
Diese Situation, die wir außer aus Großbritannien auch aus den USA kennen, kommt zügig auch auf Deutschland zu.
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