Was den Maskulismus zur Bewegung für Geschlechtergerechtigkeit macht

Was den Maskulismus zur Bewegung für Geschlechtergerechtigkeit macht

In a video posted on the PBS Idea Channel, exploring the laws of the internet, host Mike Rugnetta makes the startling claim that ‘egalitarianism is a men’s rights project.’ The claim is startling only because it is almost never acknowledged, and accusations are hurled at members of the men’s rights community that they are misogynists who encourage violence against women, but the claim is nevertheless true. When Alex Brook Lyn, a reporter for Vice Magazine explored the men’s rights movement, interviewing prominent members (including the author), she found that most men’s rights activists were ‘essentially egalitarians who are in favor of discarding traditional gender roles’. Dean Esmay, one of the key members at A Voice for Men, the leading men’s rights site on the internet tweeted his agreement with PBS, writing ‘[w]e agree with @mikerugnetta that feminism is NOT #Egalitarian & agree that #Egalitarianism is part of Men's Rights.’

Egalitarianism is the simple assumption that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or social status, and where egalitarians perceive an inequality in either of those, strategies to address such discrepancies, regardless of the gender of the person denied fundamental worth or social status, are identified. This is in stark contrast to feminism, which is concerned explicitly with ‘the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men’, offering no mechanism to address inequalities when they are experienced by men and boys.

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