Vater und Tochter versöhnen sich nach Falschbeschuldigung des Missbrauchs (und zehn Jahren Haft)

Vater und Tochter versöhnen sich nach Falschbeschuldigung des Missbrauchs (und zehn Jahren Haft)

A Longview father, wrongly accused of raping his own child tearfully spoke out on national television with his daughter at his side.

Cassandra Kennedy was 11 years old in 2001 when she accused her father of rape. Now, as a 23-year-old, she apologized to her now-free dad on "Katie."

"Thank you for being a good dad and I'm sorry for my wrong perspective as a child about you," she told her dad, Thomas Edward Kennedy, on the show. "I'm glad you're here for me now."

Last January, Cassandra told police she made up the rape allegations when she was a child.

"I was just angry and upset because I felt like he wasn't around enough and you know, broken promises and stuff like that," Cassandra said. Host Katie Couric asked her if she had just wanted more of her dad, "I did. I wanted more of my dad."

Thomas denied the rape allegations at the time but was convicted and sentenced to more than 15 years in prison. After serving nearly a decade, he was released and all charges against him were dismissed.

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