Missbrauchstäterin kommt straffrei davon
A woman has been sentenced to probation and not jail after being charged with sexual battery and solicitation of a minor for child rape. Former Tennessee Titans cheerleader Elizabeth Garner was accused of following a 12-year-old boy into a bathroom, fondling his penis and offering him oral sex, according to Mail Online.
According to police, the married Nashville woman, was at a party in February when she tried to seduce the boy. The boy told police that Garner asked him whether he'd 'ever been with a woman before she tried to pull down his pants. He got away from the bathroom and told his mother what took place and the mother reported the incident to police. reported that the 42-year-old Garner was sentenced to 18 months probation and avoided jail time.
Hier geht es weiter. (Ja, juristisch gesehen ist auch eine Bewährungsstrafe eine Strafe, aber Fakt ist, dass ein Mann für eine vergleichbare Tat in den Knast gewandert wäre.)
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