USA: Wie Programme gegen die Armut Väter ausgrenzen

USA: Wie Programme gegen die Armut Väter ausgrenzen

Nicht nur für linke Männerrechtler sollte das folgende ein Thema sein:

Based on decades-old stereotypes that single mothers are raising children alone and single dads are "deadbeats," the majority of United States anti-poverty programs almost exclusively serve women and children, said Jacquelyn Boggess, co-director of the Center for Family Policy and Practice, a Wisconsin-based think tank that focuses on supporting low-income parents. The welfare system, as a result, can become a muddled mess of rearranging rather than relieving poverty. Single, non-custodial fathers bear the brunt. But dads don’t suffer alone. Because the poor pull together to support one another, everyone absorbs the pinch.

(...) "Helping women and not men creates huge gender asymmetry, which makes it harder for couples to stay together," said Harvard sociologist Kathryn Edin, author of Doing the Best I Can: Fatherhood in the Inner City. "Men can’t earn enough money to earn a place in the family. They become dispensable."

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