Britische Studie über Männerdiskriminierung in den Medien: "Moderne Väter sind einfach wandelnde Katastrophen"
They might make us laugh with their feckless, beer-drinking, bumbling DIY ways but media representations of modern fatherhood are little more than discrimination and threaten to convince future generations that men are "useless", according to a new survey.
(...) A survey by parenting website Netmums has cast new light on the so-called crisis of masculinity showing that dads are misunderstood and forced to endure near constant ridicule on TV, books and magazines for their perceived inadequacies. More than nine out of 10 respondents to the survey said the stereotypes were out of touch with reality and would be offensive to women or racial groups. Half were critical of the way fathers were represented as lazy and stupid by the media whilst a third suggested they were little more than a "subtle form of discrimination".
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