USA: Pastor, der Homosexualität wegvergewaltigen wollte, muss nicht in den Knast
Iowa pastor and youth counselor Brent Girouex, who claimed with a straight face that he was trying to "cure" teenage boys of their "homosexual urges" by having sex with them, has had his sentence reduced from 17 years in prison to sex offender treatment and probation.
Since Girouex confessed to having sex with four underage boys, eight additional young men have come forward saying they were sexually violated by the 31-year-old pastor. Girouex, who is not longer a pastor at the Victory Fellowship Church, believed that he could rape away the gay by "praying while he had sexual contact" with the boys, all in an effort to keep them "sexually pure" for God.
According to reports, he told police that "when they would ejaculate, they would be getting rid of the evil thoughts in their mind."
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