USA: Neue Regierungsstudie macht "Rape Culture"-Propaganda immer schwerer

USA: Neue Regierungsstudie macht "Rape Culture"-Propaganda immer schwerer

In den USA wurde dieser Tage eine neue Studie veröffentlicht, die die Propaganda, es gebe eine gravierende Rape Culture an amerikanischen Hochschulen, zwar auch nicht aufhalten wird, sie aber zumindest weiter erschwert. Diverse Artikel nennen als wichtigste Erkenntnisse der Studie:

The full study, which was published by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a division within DOJ, found that rather than one in five female college students becoming victims of sexual assault, the actual rate is 6.1 per 1,000 students, or 0.61 percent (instead of 1-in-5, the real number is 0.03-in-5). For non-students, the rate of sexual assault is 7.6 per 1,000 people.

The rate of rape and sexual assault was 1.2 times higher for nonstudents (7.6 per 1,000) than for students (6.1 per 1,000).

Between 1997 and 2013, the rate of rape or sexual assault against women dropped by about 50 percent.

Angesichts dieser für Ideologen und Journalisten deprimierenden Zahlen erscheint es nachvollziehbar, dass Universitäten inzwischen lieber zum Kampf gegen Mikroaggressionen übergehen:

According to the operators, "microaggressions are all around us" and anything can be a microaggression because "there are no objective definitions to words and phrases."

"The perspective and lived experiences of each individual contextualizes the world around them and thus places a particular meaning in words based on their distinct subjectivity," they explain. "What counts as harmless banter to some may be emotionally triggering to others."

A "like" on any of the page’s posts is considered an "act of solidarity" against whatever "racist/anti-black/sexist/classist/transphobic/transmisogynistic/ableist/homophobic/et cetera content that warranted a post to this page."

Some of the featured posts are incredibly offensive — better classified as blatant racism than "microaggressions." But others, not so much.

For example, this Yak:

"We need to start charging the squirrels tuition because they are going here and not even contributing anything other than their hostilities towards the students."

Zu der Falschbeschuldigung an der University of Virginia hat sich inzwischen auch die liberale, männerfreundliche Feministin Wendy McElroy geäußert:

In short, what's left is an inconsistent story that is mistaken about key details. In addition, as Mollie Hemingway observed in The Federalist: "We have no known hospital records, no police records, no corroborating eyewitness testimony, no discussion with the alleged perpetrators, no discussion with the three friends we're told saw her in the immediate aftermath, no discussion of physical evidence (e.g. What happened to the dress the victim wore? How bad are the victim's scars from the shattered glass? How were they treated?)."

And, yet, many PC feminists are attacking The Rolling Stone, the state of journalism and anyone who is skeptical of Jackie. Her story was becoming the centerpiece of a new crusade against the rape culture on campus, which would have almost certainly tried to close down the fraternity system. The rape culture zealots must champion every accuser or their worldview begins to crumble. Their onslaught needs the face of a victim in order to appear righteous; otherwise, it's revealed as vicious.

McElroy findet es bedenklich, dass die Folgen dieser Geschichte für die zu Unrecht Beschuldigten in den Debatten über den Fall kontinuierlich untergehen:

The fraternity was closed. The frat house was vandalized and the members now reside elsewhere due to fears for their safety. Some male students have been identified by name. And, yet, at no point did the article's author or The Rolling Stone reach out to the fraternity for corroboration or comment. Nor did the magazine apologize specifically to the fraternity. Its retraction was directed to "readers" and, in a vague manner, "to anyone who was affected by the story." That's not good enough. The Rolling Stone and mainstream media should stand up for those they libeled. For once, they should at least pretend that brutalizing young men is as serious a matter as brutalizing any other human being.

The slandered fraternity may take one of the few paths still open to male students who seek exoneration: a lawsuit against The Rolling Stone. Indeed, they are already speaking collectively through a lawyer. If so, the frat would be using the same strategy as several dozen other students who have been accused of sexual assault; they are suing for "wrongful prosecution" and denial of due process. A lawsuit against The Rolling Stone would be fought on different legal ground but the underlying issue would be the same: a demand for just treatment of male students accused of rape.

To maintain the myth of a rape culture, however, PC feminists must continue demonizing men and believing all women – except, of course, for the women who disagree. The media fully cooperates in the demonization but rips are appearing in the blanket-belief of accusers upon which the rape culture dogma may live or die.

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