USA: Einkommen von Männern schrumpft
Die L. A. Times berichtet:
American men in their 30s earn less than their fathers' generation did at the same age, potentially reversing longtime assumptions that each successive generation will be better off than their predecessors, according to a study released Friday. Family incomes of thirtysomething men have continued to rise in recent decades, but mostly because more of their wives are working, the study's authors said. Yet even with the addition of women's paychecks, the rate of family income growth has slowed. (…) Outsourcing and the demise of higher-paying manufacturing jobs have contributed to the stagnation in men's incomes, Morton said. The influx of well-educated women into the workforce since the 1970s may also have exerted downward pressure on men's wages, he said.
Was die Frage aufwirft, welche Gegenmaßnahmen notwendig sein könnten:
The Pew study does not make policy recommendations. But economist Heather Boushey, with the Washington-based Center for Economic and Policy Research, contends that focusing on low-wage jobs would help curb the relative slide in men's earnings. In particular, she supports boosting the pay of low-wage jobs above the minimum wage, along with on-the-job training that encourages career advancement. A stronger push to college also could help raise men's earnings. "Education has always been the one staircase out of the class-stratified society," said Ellen Galinsky, president of the Families and Work Institute in New York. Yet among those under 50, 32% of women hold a four-year college degree, compared with 23% of men. That's a dramatic change from the past, when younger men were better educated than younger women.
Schau an: In den USA wird bereits über „Männerförderung” diskutiert, während in Deutschland Frauenministerin von der Leyen den politisch gewollten Bildungsvorsprung von Mädchen und Frauen als "Aufholen“ herunterspielt und die einseitige Frauenförderung weiter ausbaut. Auch hierzulande klafft die Geschlechterschere in der Ausbildung: So gehen in Deutschland 47 Prozent der Mädchen aufs Gymnasium, aber nur 40 Prozent der Jungen.
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