USA: "Die demokratische Partei hat ein Männerproblem"
Republican candidates held their own among female voters. But Democrats got tarred and feathered by male voters. And they have no answers.
Näheres berichtet Kristen Soltis Anderson für die linke Website "The Daily Beast":
After spending the last few years talking about “war on women” issues like abortion laws, equal pay, and contraception, and with commentators lampooning Republican efforts to appeal to female voters, it was expected that the 2014 midterm elections would come down to the "gender gap," the difference between how men and women vote in the election.
Well, the pundits were right: the political "gender gap" would decide the fate of candidates in the 2014 midterms. But the decisive point wasn’t that Republicans have a female voter problem. It was that Democrats have a male voter problem.
(...) "Please, oppressors, bring your male privilege to the polls for us" isn’t exactly a message that wins you hearts and minds, no matter how many Lena Dunham appeals you make. And with men seeing wages stagnate and economic opportunity drying up, hammering home a message about the "war on women" is tone-deaf at best.
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