Uganda: Erziehungsexperten kritisieren Mädchenförderung zu Lasten von Jungen

Uganda: Erziehungsexperten kritisieren Mädchenförderung zu Lasten von Jungen

Kuala Lumpur - Education experts have criticised the affirmative action in favour of girls, saying it has sidelined boys' access to education.

The experts noted that while countries had made tremendous progress to bridge the gender gaps in schools, more boys were performing poorly in class compared to the girls and dropping out of school to look for employment.

"For years, we have focused on women. But the worst that can happen is that the global phenomenon might start making policies of affirmative action for the boys," remarked Dr. Fatiha Serour, the director of youth affairs at the Commonwealth Secretariat.

According to Serour, evidence that girls are outnumbering boys in schools had created a stir in some countries.

She made the remarks during the youth forum at the Commonwealth education ministers' conference on Monday in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur.

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