Über 9 Millionen Dollar Schmerzensgeld nach Fehlurteil und den Folgen

Über 9 Millionen Dollar Schmerzensgeld nach Fehlurteil und den Folgen

Kirk Odom was convicted of raping and robbing a woman in 1981. FBI “experts” and their forensic tests concluded that Odom was the perpetrator of the crime. The court system sentenced him to 22 hard years in prison at the tender young age of 18.

While in prison, he was the victim of multiple rapes from which he contracted HIV. According to the Washington Post, his family abandoned him for unsaid reasons. After 2 decades in prison and a case review, his lawyers were able to cross-reference his DNA with the case evidence. The results clearly exonerated him from the crimes he was punished for.

The criminal who actually committed the rape and robbery was caught and sentenced the very next year in 1982 for the actual crimes. This means the court system was cognizant that they sentenced the wrong man to prison 1 year before, and had the correct criminal in prison for the exact crime. However, they knowingly allowed Odom to languish in prison for 22 years as an innocent man.

Hier geht es weiter. Man stelle sich den internationalen feministischen Aufschrei vor, wenn dasselbe eine Frau erlitten hätte.

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