Twitter: Debatte über Rassismus in der feministischen Bewegung neu entflammt
An old fight has erupted anew on Twitter. Tensions about race and class that have long simmered below the surface of the feminist movement have been roiling for the past 24 hours on Twitter under the battle banner of #solidarityisforwhitewomen.
It started around midday Monday during a discussion about Hugo Schwyzer, a college professor and so-called "male feminist," who recently had an online meltdown, declaring himself to be an academic fraud and, among other things, a substance abuser. Blogger Mikki Kendall chided Feministe blogger Jill Filipovic for expressing sympathy for Schwyzer, who some have criticized as misogynistic and racist. After a bit of back-and-forth between Kendall and Filipovic, other women joined in and a clear fault line emerged: Some white feminists are dismissive of the concerns of women of color.
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