A male Durham University student was so moved by the suicide of a close male friend that he felt compelled to start a society for other men who may need support – only to find it blocked by the Student Union this week for being too “controversial”.
When Adam Frost, 21, a third-year Italian and French student, proposed the Durham University Male Human Rights Society, he was ridiculed on campus, with remarks such as "Isn’t this a bit like starting a society for white people’s rights?"
"But it was rejected by [Durham's] Societies Committee; they said it was 'controversial' – and that my aims were 'too similar to those of Fem Soc [Feminist Society]'. That’s just not true. They told me I could have a men’s group, but only if it was a branch of the Fem Soc, which struck me as unacceptable. To show why, I went through the Fem Soc policy documents, where it specifically says, ‘Feminism exists for women’ and ‘it would be extremely unreasonable to expect this space to support and cater for the needs of men'. So it’s ridiculous to say the Fem Soc can cater for the needs of men when in a sense it discriminates against men. [The documents] also state that society favours men and I don’t think that’s true – in terms of court sentencing, child supervision orders, cancer funding and, of course, suicide. There are also lots of affirmative-action initiatives to encourage women to get jobs in high-paid sectors. None of the Fem Soc's remit has anything to do with men’s issues. It doesn’t come on to their radar.
Despite Adam making a powerfully eloquent and heartfelt case for a standalone men’s group, on Thursday, Durham University’s Societies Committee rejected his plea, telling him he could only operate from within the Feminist Society.
Durham’s refusal to allow Adam to start a men’s group follows a similarly depressing call made by Staffordshire University in February, when the Men’s Rights Society was blocked by the university's Woman’s Network, who called it "dangerous".
Similarly, men’s groups from as far afield as Australia, USA and Canada have been faced with similar Left-leaning, feminist-driven flak, making it feel like modern universities support diversity in all forms – so long as it isn’t male.
As a long-time advocate of men’s rights and a committee member at the Being A Man Festival – which takes place later this year at the Southbank Centre in London, and which was set up to give modern men a forum to voice their concerns without fear of ridicule – Durham’s decision is retrograde and counterintuitive when, specifically, the biggest killer of young men is suicide. Men need to talk now more than ever – and we know they best achieve that in men-only environments.
Do we really live in a world where not offending university feminist societies is deemed more important than helping men in need?
And are universities becoming increasingly hostile towards men? The latest data from Ucas revealed that the gap between the number of female and male university applicants rose to record levels last year; 2014 figures showed 58,000 more female admissions.
Widespread media reports of rampant "lad culture" at universities, and the establishment of compulsory consent classes at a number of institutions, helps create a stereotype that all male students are potentially dangerous sexual predators.
Banning or hamstringing societies that would encourage men to speak up on serious issues further adds to the growing perception that universities are becoming unwelcoming spaces for young men.
This itself is an important issue that male students at our universities should be talking about. And they shouldn't have to ask permission from their local Fem Soc first.