Tagebuch der Anne Frank "zu pornographisch": Geht Hysterie wegen sexueller Belästigung zu weit?

Tagebuch der Anne Frank "zu pornographisch": Geht Hysterie wegen sexueller Belästigung zu weit?

Die Huffington Post ist besorgt über die gesetzliche Einschränkung der freien Rede an amerikanischen Universitäten infolge einer immer weiter ausufernden Definition von "sexueller Belästigung":

Salt-n-Pepa's "Let's Talk About Sex." Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita. Allen Ginsberg's "Howl." Louis CK's latest special. Ciara and Future's new single. What do they have in common? Under a shockingly broad new federal mandate, reciting lines from any of these works on your campus could constitute sexual harassment.

Here's why. Last Thursday, the Departments of Justice and Education released a new "blueprint" for addressing sexual misconduct at colleges and universities that accept federal funding. (That's virtually every American institution of higher education, public or private.) In this "blueprint," sexual harassment is defined as "any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature." That includes "verbal conduct" – i.e., speech. So under the DoE and DoJ's new mandate, any speech of a sexual nature that somebody finds unwelcome is sexual harassment.

In practice, that covers just about any speech of a sexual nature, period. After all, in a nation as diverse as ours, there's no shortage of opinions about what kinds of sexual expression are "unwelcome." Hell, some folks even find Anne Frank's diary "pornographic."

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