"Gesetze gegen sexuelle Belästigung schaden Frauen"

"Gesetze gegen sexuelle Belästigung schaden Frauen"

In einem zweiteiligen Essay zum Thema "sexuelle Belästigung" auf Psychology Today erklärt der Evolutionspsychologe Satoshi Kanazawa mit Bezug auf den Rechtswissenschaftler Kingsley Browne, dass Männer so mit Frauen umgehen, weil sie nicht sexistisch sind. Kanazawa spricht von zwei Formen der "sexuellen Belästigung". Da wäre zum einen die unerwünschte Anmache, wozu er folgendes anmerkt:

Because of all the media attention and the soaring costs of litigation, most American firms and universities now have sexual harassment policies that categorically prohibit any sexual relations between and among their employees. Browne makes a sharp observation in this connection. Although sexual harassment surveys typically ask whether the respondent has ever been subjected to unwanted sexual advances in the workplace, they seldom if ever ask whether she has been subjected to welcome sexual advances. The answer must commonly be in the affirmative, since a large number of workers find their romantic partners at work. Men’s and women’s behavior that sometimes result in charges of sexual harassment is most often simply part of the normal repertoire of human mating strategies.

Die zweite Form der "sexuellen Belästigung" stellt Kanazawa zufolge das dar, was manche als "feindselige Umgebung" aufgrund eines mit sexuellen Anspielungen durchsetzten Arbeitsplatzes bezeichnen. Hier argumentiert Kanazawa:

While many women legitimately complain that they have been subjected to abusive, intimidating, and degrading treatment by their male colleagues and employers, Browne points out that long before women entered the labor force, men subjected each other to such abusive, intimidating, and degrading treatment. Abuse, intimidation, and degradation are all part of men’s unfortunate repertoire of tactics employed in competitive situations. In other words, men are not harassing women in this fashion because they are treating women differently from men (which is the definition of discrimination under which sexual harassment legally falls), but the exact opposite. Men harass women precisely because they are not discriminating between men and women. Men harass women because they are not sexist.

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