Indien: Männerrechtler protestieren gegen sexistisches Gesetz
In unserer lockeren Reihe über die Männerrechtsbewegung in anderen Ländern geht diesmal ein Blick nach Indien. Dort protestieren Männerrechtler aktuell gegen ein einseitiges Gesetz zur sexuellen Belästigung:
On Monday, Lok Sabha had passed the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Bill, 2010, drafted by Krishna Tirath, minister of women and child development without discussion despite uproar from BJP members. Right groups raised concerns about passing of the Bill without consulting male representatives.
“There are times when we find that there is unwanted feminine attention which is overwhelming and discomforting. Further worse, pervert social mindsets force male victims to keep quiet,” said Atit, president of Men’s Rights Association, a rights group.
Swarup Sarkar, member of a rights group pointed out that based on presentations made by men’s rights organisations, the parliamentary standing committee on human resources development had also recommended that the law should be made gender-neutral and men should also be provided equal protection.
“We fail to understand the problem in making the law gender-neutral, for, if women do not harass men, then there would be no complaints filed against them,” he said.
(...) “When we filed an RTI to inquire about the WCD ministry’s stand on this issue, the ministry replied by saying ‘protection of men is not our mandate’
"Der Schutz von Männern ist nicht unser politischer Auftrag" – die indische Geschlechterpolitik scheint der deutschen sehr zu ähneln.
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