Studie: Feminismus erstreckt sich nicht auf die Finanzen

Studie: Feminismus erstreckt sich nicht auf die Finanzen

Die Journalistin Johnna Ruocco berichtet:

David Frederick, an assistant professor of psychology at Chapman University in California, presented a paper on Sunday, Aug. 11 at the 108th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association.

The paper looked at the beliefs of men and women about who should pay for dates and, inevitably, how couples actually go about splitting expenses. Data was collected from more than 17,000 participants.

According to the paper, 84 per cent of men and 58 per cent of women reported that men pay for most expenses, even after dating for a while. While more than 57 per cent of women claimed they offered to help pay, 39 per cent confessed they hoped men would reject their offers to pay, and 44 per cent of women were bothered when men expected women to help pay.

Nearly two-thirds of the men believed that women should contribute to dating expenses, and many nearly half of the men said they would stop dating a woman who never pays.

Ah, feminism; It’s great to see how women whip it out when it comes to job and pay equality, but when it comes time to forking over some cash to contribute to dinner, suddenly that old feminism thing just slips the mind.

In a way it’s understandable. Honestly, who doesn’t like a free meal? But it’s downright sexist to expect a man to pay for dating expenses. Funny how some women don’t mind sexism as long as it benefits them.

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