Student von Campus verbannt, weil er Kommilitonin an ihren Vergewaltiger erinnert

Student von Campus verbannt, weil er Kommilitonin an ihren Vergewaltiger erinnert

Das Neueste aus der Rape Culture:

A student at a liberal-arts school in Oregon was reportedly banned from going anywhere on campus that a fellow student would be — because he looked like the person who had raped her, according to Harvard Law professor Janet Halley.

In a piece for Harvard Law Review, Halley wrote that she had “recently assisted” a student who had been “ordered to stay away from a fellow student (cutting him off from his housing, his campus job, and educational opportunity) — all because he reminded her of the man who had raped her months before and thousands of miles away.”

The accused also had to endure a "month-long investigation into all his campus relationships, seeking information about his possible sexual misconduct in them," which she called an "immense invasion of his and his friends’ privacy."

And (believe it or not!) it gets worse. Even after this invasive investigation completely cleared him of any wrongdoing, he still wasn’t allowed to go anywhere where the student would be without risking punishment from the school.

Hier geht es weiter.

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