New York Times: Männergesundheit weiter vernachlässigt – Ärzte fragen sich, warum

New York Times: Männergesundheit weiter vernachlässigt – Ärzte fragen sich, warum

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--- In recent years, women’s health has been a national priority. Pink ribbons warn of breast cancer. Pins shaped like red dresses raise awareness about heart disease. Offices of women’s health have sprung up at every level of government to offer information and free screenings, and one of the largest government studies on hormones and diet in aging focused entirely on older women. Yet statistics show that men are more likely than women to suffer an early death. Now some advocates and medical scientists are beginning to ask a question that in some circles might be considered politically incorrect: Is men’s health getting short shrift?

(…) Men’s health advocates say that men are silently suffering through what may be a serious health crisis. “We’ve got men dying at higher rates of just about every disease, and we don’t know why,” said Dr. Demetrius J. Porche, an associate dean at Louisiana State University’s Health Sciences Center School of Nursing in New Orleans, and the editor of a new quarterly, American Journal of Men’s Health, that will publish its first issue next March. (…) “We keep throwing out lifestyle as an explanation for the differences in longevity, saying that men come in later for care and have unhealthy behaviors, but I’m not sure we really know the reason,” Dr. Porche said. “And we haven’t answered the question: Is there a biological determinant for why men die earlier than women?”

(…) But the mere suggestion that men need their own health bureau or that they must advocate for their rights like a victimized minority rankles some women’s health advocates, and some politicians are reluctant to take men’s health on as a cause, for fear of alienating women. (…) ---

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