Für Briten Frauengesundheit achtmal wertvoller
Es geht in diesem Artikel fast ein wenig unter, ist aber ein bemerkenswertes Missverhältnis:
A survey by the Institute of Cancer Research found that men knew more about breast cancer than about prostate cancer. Experts say the problem is that men are generally ignorant about their health and tend to be embarrassed about prostate and testicular problems. It is estimated that eight times as much money is spent on women's health than men's in the UK. However, in 1998 more men in the UK died from cancer than women.
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Studie: Unter Den Krebskranken Sterben Männer Häufiger
Medline berichtet über die Ergebnisse einer neuen Untersuchung: Not only are men more likely than women to be diagnosed with cancer, among those who get the disease, men also have a higher chance of dying from it, according to a new study. In an analysis...
Analkrebs: Behandlung Männlicher Patienten Verboten
About two months ago, Dr. Elizabeth Stier was shocked to learn that she would lose a vital credential, board certification as a gynecologist, unless she gave up an important part of her medical practice and her research: taking care of men at high risk...
New York Times: Männergesundheit Weiter Vernachlässigt – Ärzte Fragen Sich, Warum
Zum Lesen dieses Artikels ist ein kostenloses und unkompliziertes Log-In erforderlich. Er dürfte sich lohnen. Ein paar Auszüge: --- In recent years, women’s health has been a national priority. Pink ribbons warn of breast cancer. Pins shaped like...
Neue Studie: Sex Mit 21 Frauen Senkt Risiko Von Prostatakrebs
Men who had slept with more than 20 women lowered their risk of developing cancer by almost one third, and were 19 per cent less likely to develop the most aggressive form. (...) But when asked whether public health authorities should recommend men to...
Tod Robin Williams Weckt Aufmerksamkeit Für Selbstmord Als Männerproblem
Der britische Guardian berichtet: Last week, millions were shocked by the suicide of beloved actor Robin Williams. The aftermath has provoked a long-neglected debate about mental health and suicide. A cursory look at the statistics in Britain suggests...
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